Access to Healthy & Clean Options

My name is Boomer Pridemore. I am a Sophomore at Luther High School. I did multiple Elevate Student Health events throughout the school year including Swap Up Day where we gave people healthy food and drinks that made them feel good instead of the usual sugary foods that are bad. I also did events where we collected surveys to support changing our school wellness policies. 

The policies from Elevate Student Health we are trying to add to the overall school policy is to get healthy food options and clean drinking water. We need healthy food because most kids consume 50 percent of their daily calories at school, so if they don't eat healthy food they will feel bad throughout the school day. We also are working to get clean drinking water because most kids cannot get clean water at school and don’t have money to buy some every day. We also see people could get sick due to the things that could be in the water in Luther. 

These problems mainly affect us at school, and that is where we spend most of our time. Others should care about it because all students should have access to a healthy life. Not just physically but mentally; these issues make us tired, stressed, and emotional and this is not something we should worry about during high school.

By Boomer Pridmore, Leadership Team Member from Luther High School

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Supported by YAHL, a program of TSET.
Funded in whole or in part by the Oklahoma Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust (TSET)

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