Encouraging Healthier Alternatives

Hello! My name is Gracie McCoin, and I am an upcoming Junior at Muskogee High School. I have just recently completed an event for Elevate Student Health called “Swap Up Day of Action.” Let me tell you a bit more about it.

Swap Up Day of Action focused on providing students with healthier alternatives for snacks at lunch to show them how the healthy options can make them feel good after eating them. This event was a big hit and made many students at Muskogee High School realize that what they eat really does affect them. Right after this event, I scheduled a principal meeting to talk to my principal about implementing these healthier snacks in our concession stands, school snack trays and our cantina.

Elevate Student Health focuses on implementing healthier policies through schools for better nutrition, clean and free water during the day and regulating physical activity times for all students. Elevate Student Health is a very important part of our mission with the YAHL program. It was a very successful project with my school, and I hope to continue working with our students and educating them on what Elevate Student Health has to offer. My principal meeting is scheduled in the fall, so wish me luck!

By: Gracie McCoin, Muskogee High School

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Supported by YAHL, a program of TSET.
Funded in whole or in part by the Oklahoma Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust (TSET)

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