Leading for Health

Hi, my name is Aingeal W. and I am going to be a sophomore at Coalgate High School. This is my first year in YAHL (Youth Action for Health Leadership). During the amazing time I have enjoyed at the YAHL leadership summit, I’ve met so many new amazing people. I will be working with them and the amazing team of advisors and the program of Elevate Student Health to try and make Oklahoma healthier for school kids and faculty.

Physical activity and nutrition are extremely important to have in schools for kids because not all of us can sit in the same classroom for hours without moving. Nutrition is also important because not all schools have access to healthy food for the kids at schools. The physical activity in my school is very limited. Our only time to get up and move is when we are switching classes and after our lunch time for only about 15 minutes which is lower than the required amount of physical activity which is 60 minutes.

Another issue we are trying to change is the fact that not all schools have access to healthy food and safe drinking water for the kids in the schools of Oklahoma. If this policy is passed, students will lead a healthier lifestyle. Parents especially should care about Elevate Student Health because their kids will lead a healthier lifestyle. I have become involved by signing up for YAHL and then joining the Leadership Team. Working with YAHL has taught me the importance of choosing healthy options in life. Others can gain access to healthy options in life, possibly for the rest of their lifetime. You should support Elevate Student Health and choices to make healthier lifestyle options for youth across Oklahoma.

By Aingeal Wilson, YAHL Leadership Team member from Coalgate High School

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Supported by YAHL, a program of TSET.
Funded in whole or in part by the Oklahoma Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust (TSET)

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